
Prezzo a kg x collo da 5 kg
Ordine minimo 1 collo

Regina grapes, also known as “Uva Regina” in Italian, are a charming and delectable grape variety that captivates with their sweet and juicy characteristics. These grapes are celebrated for their exceptional flavor and appealing appearance.



Prezzo a kg x collo da 5 kg
Ordine minimo 1 collo


The vine is a plant with multiple peculiarities and a rich history. Uva Regina is among the oldest grape varieties present in Sicily, a unique table grape that has been cultivated by ancient peoples. According to various scholars, one of the first geographical areas influenced by its cultivation might have been Syria. Due to the flourishing trade of the Phoenicians, it spread throughout the entire Mediterranean region. With the advent of the ancient Romans, its cultivation extended to the entire European continent. Among the oldest grapevines, Moscato grapes are among the most widespread in the southeastern Sicilian territory and are well-known in Italy. Vines were already cultivated in the colonies of Magna Graecia.


Technically, grapes are an inflorescence: the cluster is nothing but a collection of fruits, the berries of the vine known as grapes, joined together by the stem. An antioxidant, resveratrol, has recently been discovered in the skin, which thins the blood. The cultivation of table grapes requires a warm and arid climate, with an annual rainfall of around 600 mm, mostly concentrated in the winter and spring months, and with temperatures that rarely reach levels close to 0 °C. It is grown either using the pergola method characterized by long pruning or using the canopy method. Harvesting takes place in September.”

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