The fruit is round in shape with a thin, fragrant peel.
(A hybrid between a mandarin and a tangor) the fruits are spheroidal, slightly flattened at the poles, with varying diameters. They have an orange-colored peel and sweet, fragrant flesh
Harvest Period:
From week 40 to week 17
The fruit is round in shape with a thick, fragrant peel.
This is a variety of Clementine with larger leaves. The peel color is not uniform, and it is a late-season variety.
Harvest Period:
From week 40 to week 17
Frutto di forma rotonda,
buccia sottile e profumata.
(ibrido tra il mandarino e il mandarancio) sono dei frutti di forma sferoidale, lievemente schiacciati ai poli, con il diametro variabile mentre la buccia di colore arancio con una polpa dolce e profumata.
Frutto di forma rotonda,
buccia spessa e profumata.
Si tratta di una varietà di Clementine con foglie più grandi. Il colore della buccia non è uniforme ed è una varietà tardiva.

We are aware of the delicacy of this fruit, so we take the utmost care in packaging, using sponges and mats to protect and preserve its quality and integrity.
We usually pack in 5, 7 and 8 Kgs in bulk or carry bags and clamshell punnets. Nava uses cartons, wood or plastic boxes according to the specific customer’s needs.
In line with the need for greater attention to the environmental impact that we see growing in our customers and markets and that Nava has always shared, we are also developing a line of eco-sustainable packaging aimed at limiting waste and reducing environmental impact.